Saturday, June 6, 2015

Google App Inventor

I just learned that a group of researchers at MIT came up with App Inventor software for kids to write  mobile applications. At the first sight, it looks like Visual Studio.

Seems coding is getting revolutionized again, by moving from technical complicated commands, to visual and cognitive signs. I remember the time that MS Windows 3.1 pushed away MSDOS and UNIX with a similar idea. This time, the revolution is happening in the app developer level.
I was surprised with the functions that are available in the App Inventor. For instance speech recognition is a just a box! You can easily add it as a functionality to your app.

I would say that the difference between Java and the App Inventor is like R and RapidMiner.  


  1. Sounds cool! BTW, looks by casting a sort of Nanodegree course in Android, Google will be independent from conventional academic training very soon!


  3. I think it is like as CARTOONs :) :) :) officially its for the kids but practically adults would enjoy more!
